Field Precision title

Tutorial: Electric and magnetic field calculations with finite-element methods Electric and Magnetic Field Calculations with Finite-element Methods

Stanley Humphries
Professor Emeritus
University of New Mexico


The power of modern personal computers makes fully three-dimensional finite-element calculations of electric and magnetic fields a practical reality for any scientist or engineer. Rough estimates can be replaced with numerically-exact values for complex geometries and material responses. Hours of tedious benchmarking can be circumvented.

Despite the benefits, many researchers hesitate to get involved because of the learning curve. Effective numerical simulations involve insights and a degree of art. The techniques are not typically covered in a standard E&M curriculum. My motivation in developing this course is to share my experience in field calculations with first-time users. The goal is to build readers' knowledge and experience in steps so they can apply finite-element programs confidently. I emphasize hands-on operation rather than theoretical details. At the end of the course, students will be able to solve real-world problems with the following programs:

  • EStat (2D electrostatics)
  • HiPhi (3D electrostatics)
  • PerMag (2D magnetostatics)
  • Magnum (3D magnetostatics)

Table of contents

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. First 2D electrostatic solution
Chapter 3. Electrostatic application: building the mesh
Chapter 4. Electrostatic application: calculating and analyzing fields
Chapter 5. Electrostatic application: meshing and accuracy
Chapter 6. Magnetostatic solution: simple coil with boundaries
Chapter 7. Magnetostatic solution: boundary efiects and automatic operation
Chapter 8. Magnetostatic solution: the role of steel
Chapter 9. Magnetostatic solution: when steel gets complicated
Chapter 10. Magnetostatic solution: permanent magnets
Chapter 11. 3D electrostatic example: STL input
Chapter 12. 3D electrostatic example: mesh generation and solution
Chapter 13. 3D electrostatic application: getting started
Chapter 14. 3D electrostatic application: extrusions
Chapter 15. 3D electrostatic application: mutual capacitance
Chapter 16. 3D magnetic fields: defining coil currents
Chapter 17. 3D magnetic fields: free-space calculations
Chapter 18. 3D magnetic fields: iron and permanent magnets


Electric and Magnetic Field Calculations with Finite-element Methods (4.9 MB).
Input files for examples discussed in the text (0.2 MB).


The electronic book Electric and Magnetic Field Calculations with Finite-element Methods is copyrighted by Field Precision LLC (2016). You may download a copy for your personal use. The PDF book, text excerpts and figures may not be reproduced, distributed or posted for download on Internet sites without permission of the publisher: Link to request permission
